(Undergraduate Degree Program)
Academic Advisor: Eng. Adriana Rodriguez
The Immersion Program (IP) offers international students with advanced-level Spanish the opportunity to take integrated degree courses at Belgrano University. IP is held twice a year: Spring (March 7 -Julio 15) and Fall (July 25 – December 2). This is a unique opportunity for students to experience academic life at Belgrano and mingle with local students. All courses in this program are lecture format and 75% attendance is required. Participants are encouraged to take an optional Midterm Exam, which is usually a written test. In the Final Exam (which is usually oral) the passing grade is 40%. Since not all courses are offered every semester, it is important to understand the course offering pattern. Consulting with the Academic Advisor to select courses is mandatory.
Courses meet once or twice per week and take a total of 60, 75, or 90 hours to complete. Full Time students have to take a minimum of 240 contact hours. All students must take a written placement test online to determine if they are eligible for this program. Please notice that the following list of courses is not available every semester.
Below is a list of the most popular courses, but students are encouraged to choose any of our courses after consulting with the Academic Advisor.
Introducción a las Relaciones Internacionales - Introducción a las Ciencias Políticas - Evolución del Pensamiento Filosófico y Político 1 & 2 - Filosofía - Sociología General - Sociología - Psicología General 1 & 2 - Bases Biológicas 1 & 2 - Expresión Oral y Escrita - Teoría de la Traducción - Lengua Inglesa 2 - Semiótica General - Traducción al Inglés - Estructuras Comparadas - Historia Contemporánea 1 & 2 - Teoría y Práctica de la Comunicación 1 & 2 - Taller de Investigación Periodística 1 & 2 - Periodismo Político - Periodismo Radial - Periodismo Digital - Periodismo Científico - Administración 1 & 2 - Principios de Economía - Contabilidad 1 & 2 - Introducción al Derecho
For more information, go to:
Grado: http://www.ub.edu.ar/distribucion-carreras-de-grado
Tecnicaturas: http://www.ub.edu.ar/distribucion-tecnicaturas-universitarias